Jesse B. Wang (2075)-Patrick O'Sullivan (1678)
1.e4 c6 2.c4 d5 3.exd5 cxd5 4.cxd5 Nf6- I knew this was the book move here, and I had already been beaten in a previous tournament when playing 4....Qxd5, but nevertheless I spent a lot of time on this move making sure that 5.Bb5+ would not allow him to maintain the extra pawn. I didn't look through the whole line, but after about 4 min (this was only a 45 min SD game) I played the text. The line that I found in analysis was after 4....Nf6, 5.Bb5+ Bd7 6.Qb3 Bxb5 7.Qxb5+ Qd7 8.Qxd7+ Nbxd7 9.Nc3 Nb6 10.d6 e6 11.Nb5 Nbd5 12.Nf3 a6 13.Nc7+ Nxc7 14.dxc7 Rc8 and black finally regains the pawn, with advantage.
5.Nc3 Nxd5 6.Nf3 e6 7.Bc4 Nb6!?- out of book, but the book recommends 7....Nxc3 which I didn't want to play because it makes his pawns better, and 7....Be7, which I didn't want to play because of the isolated pawn after 8.Bxd5
8.Be2 Nc6 9.O-O Be7 10.d4 Bf6?!- I should have castled, because it is often unwise to move the same piece in the opening twice without reason, and my attack on d4 doesn't really mean anything after 11.Qc2 because the pawn is immune in view of 11.... Nxd4 12.Nxd4 Bxd4 13.Rd1 pinning my bishop to my queen or 12....Qxd4 13.Nb5 and the threat on c7 decides.
11.Be3 O-O 12.Bd3 h6- preparing to take on d4 (I can't take immediately because of the discovery Bxh7+ exposing the whit queen to d4)
13.Bc2- I spent a long time here trying to cope with his crude attacking plans, and at this point I was emotionally unstable because I hadn't seen this possibility.
13....Ne7- perhaps better was 13.....Nb4
14.Qd3 Ng6 15.Ne4 Nd5 16.Nxf6+ Qxf6 17.Ne5?- Just the mistake I was hoping for when I played 15....Nd5. Now I win a pawn and finally claim an advantage
17.....Nb4 18.Qc3 Nxc2 19.Qxc2 Nxe5 20.dxe5 Qxe5- I spent more time than I had to on this move. Now my plan is to consolidate my extra pawn by centralizing my rooks.

-position after 20....Qxe5
21.Rfe1 Qf6 22.Rad1 Rd8 23.Qc7 Re8- after this sequence I was not so confident about my extra pawn, but I soon turned things around
24.Bd4 Qe7 25.Qg3- he can't trade queens here or my extra pawn will begin to tell
25....f6 26.Be3 Kh8 27.Rd4 g5- here e5 was much better, but I couldn't see an answer to Rh4 and sacrifices on h6. After 27....e5 28.Rh4 Bf5 is good, preparing to play Bh7 if he sacrifices on h6
28.Qh3 Kg7 29.Qh5 Qf7- once again e5 is much better according to the computer
30.Qd1 e5- finally I play e5 and now I am much better. Rybka gives -0.75
31.Ra4 a6 32.h4 Be6 33.hxg5 hxg5 34.b3 Rad8- I am now fully developed and I should coast to victory, but here I have approximately 10 min on my clock, while my opponent has approximately 35
35.Qf3 Bd5 36.Qg3 Qh5 37.f4 exf4 38.Rxf4- I should have inserted 37....Bc6 to avoid potential pins in the future to my rook on d8
38....Re5??- I had 8 min left, and was getting a bit too comfortable with the position. I lost focus and made the losing move

-position after 39.Rxf6!
39....Kxf6??- This is just dumb. I played it immediately without thinking, but Rybka gives 39.....Rh8 40.Kf2 Rhe8 as equal. My pen stopped working here, but I think the game continued:
40.Bd4 Re8 41.Bxe5+ and I resigned a few moves later.
I played this game well overall, but I think I could have managed my time better so I could have spent more time ensuring a safe ending. This game just goes to show that you should never be content with a win before you actually get it, because a player who is losing is more resourceful than ever. Who knows, if I won this game I might be around 1900. As it stands I am now rated 1816.
My bad, I just realized that I posted the picture of the second position upside-down. That means the co-ordinates are backwards...